Jambo DIY Guide + latest firmware
An 18-page DIY guide for my Drambo morph/scene controller. You can see it in action at https://youtu.be/Ow5A2BGH1m4.
This bundle includes three files:
• INSTRUCTIONS.html: A detailed parts list, with links, plus instructions on how to use the guide and install the firmware.
• Jambo guide printable.pdf: The DIY guide and manual, with full instructions on how to build your own Jambo.
• jambo.ino: The Arduino firmware.
To build the controller, you’ll need to buy all of the components. Alternatively, select the “Full DIY kit” option (while it’s in stock) and I’ll mail you a single package with all the components you need.
Feel free to email me for details at jambo@rileyjshaw.com.
Required tools:
• A soldering iron and solder
• Wire and wire strippers
• A precision flathead screwdriver (for tightening the knobs)
• A micro USB cable
• Dexterity and patience
It's not strictly necessary but having flux, solder wick, needlenose pliers, helping hands, flush angle cutters, a solder sucker, a solderless breadboard, a multimeter, and electrical tape will help a lot.
You‘ll get a comprehensive DIY guide and manual, firmware source files, and a complete parts list with store links. If you picked the Full DIY kit, you get all that PLUS all the parts shipped to you.